Friday, June 25, 2010

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are!

When do we get our first clue that Jesus knows He is the Son of God? In the temple when He was twelve years old. His parents are three days into the return trip to Nazareth before they notice he's missing. The temple is the last place they search, but it's the first place Jesus goes. By the time Joseph and Mary locate their son He has confounded the most learned scholars in the temple. As a boy Jesus already senses the call of God. But what does He do next? Recruit disciples and preach sermons? No, He goes back home and learns the family business. That's what you should do! Before you attempt to do great things for God, go home, love your family and take care of business. "But I'm called to be a missionary," you say. Good, your first mission field is where you live! What makes you think you'll be believed by those who barely know you, if you're not credible to those who know you best? Charity begins at home! The Psalmist says, "I will lead a life of integrity in my own home" (Ps 101:2 NLT). For His first thirty years Jesus' neighbors remembered Him as a worker. "He's just a carpenter" (Mk 6:3 TM). Jesus spent years developing a work ethic, sharpening His vocational skills and supporting His family. "He had to enter into every detail of human life" (Heb 2:17 TM). Why did Jesus do it that way? So He would know how we feel. So we'd be confident in going to Him with our needs, knowing He's qualified and able to meet them. So, start where you are!

Peace, Ritz

Soli Deo Gloria!

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